What I'm Doing Here

Because I enjoy adventure games, I decided to start this blog and record my fun and frustrations as I play various adventures and some RPGs. I try not to spoil the games, so you can read and play, or play and read. I'm also reviewing some games, as I used to do in the past for Four Fat Chicks. I hope I'll spark your interest in playing, or at least entertain you with my musings. Please note that my musings are only speculations. You, or the game designer, may disagree with my opinions. At the end of each entry is a link to the next entry about that game, and you'll find a list of beginning links to the right, just under my cat's photo. Feel free to comment and play along! Enjoy!

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Queen's Wish 13: The Game might be Innocent!

Well! Things are much better now! I've been playing for the last few days and I decided to take my own advice to just stick to one area for awhile.

And indeed, that has brought the game back into some coherence for me. I went to the Vol and got involved in the storyline there. And, amidst that, I returned to a placed called the "Infernal Pit" and there, lo and behold, I found that scorpion that I couldn't defeat earlier. It was not in the Scorpion Pit. It was in the infernal pit.

And I was able to smash it. Had some decent loot, but again, the loot in this game isn't even one tenth of what it is in earlier Spiderweb games, and I still miss that.

I also went to one of my forts and tried to install some runes and augments into my equipment. That's easier said than done, but I managed to make some good upgrades. Also got rid of some equipment that's been clogging up my inventories. There are no stackable items and it's very easy to get full.

But I managed to make a great decision in my storyline: I helped the Owens (enslaved people in the Vol) and got them to be vassals of Haven (our home empire) again. That was a major plot point.

I know there's more to do in the Vol, but finishing a serious plotline made me feel much better about the game. 

So I headed off to the Ukat, and will stay there until I manage to get some advances in that plot. I just finished off some Naga:

Yeah, it kinda does all look alike.

I still don't like the combat system of all-in-one-go dungeons. It might work for serious players but not for lousy players like me. I don't like it that I can't find the loot I'm used to finding. I don't like it that there are no secret passages.

But I was the one screwing up the plotline in the game by jumping around in it so much. 

So now I expect to be able to enjoy the game more.

UPDATE: Taking a hiatus from this game because Jonathan Boakes had finally released his new Dark Fall: Ghost Vigil. I do intend to come back and finish this game, because I think I'm getting fairly close to the endgame. I'm close to level 20, which I've read is the highest you can go. So, until next time!

FINAL UPDATE: No, I'm not going to finish (writing this in January, 2022). My medical difficulties have prevented me from getting to my Macintosh, and that's where I have this game. I'm not starting over. I just wasn't enjoying it enough, and now that so much time has passed since I've played, I've lost the plot anyway. So this becomes the first Spiderweb game I didn't finish. Well, if I want more Spiderweb fun, I have all of his other games. Sorry, but that's it on Queen's Wish.


  1. Just got caught up on your posts. I finished Crystal Souls and am now in a game hiatus. Well, that isn't really true, since I've been playing some Skyrim.

    I didn't know there were also no secret passages! Where's the fun in that? It was one of the things I liked about Spiderweb games that were also present in Ultima, but were missing from most other games I played. (In Ultima, there is an extra pixel in the middle of the wall with the secret door. You search it, and a door appears.)

    I know sometimes the little switch was too easy to see in Avernum, but in certain dark-textured walls, they were very difficult to find.

    I'll continue to follow along with your game and see how it goes. I am encouraged that there is a good way to resolve the Owen conflict, because I thought I would be punished for taking the hero route, which often happened in Avadon.

    I picked up Avadon and played it for a little while, but then Nathalie had a temper tantrum because I went to look for my shaman friend. I may drag her ass back to Avadon and take someone else. At least I have that option. The blindfolded guy doesn't seem to have any problem with it.

    1. Hey, in the older, 20-year old Spiderweb games we just to find secret passaged by "wall bumping." You just smashed yourself into walls and sometimes broke through. Most people hated that but I like finding hidden loot so much that I enjoyed it. Later in the game you get the "piercing sight" spell that reveals the hidden areas. In the later remakes Jeff switched to magic bricks in the walls.

      Avadon was not my favorite at all. I enjoy all six Avernums and Nethergate, which is *really* old school. Lots of humor in those games—not so much in Avadon. His Geneforge games are also fun, but wait on those, I believe they're the next up for new versions.

      I'm going to put this game aside for awhile when an adventure I've been waiting for comes out—one of Jonathan Boakes' called Darkfall: Ghost Vigil. He made that to get enough money to finish The Lost Crown 2: Blackenrock, for which we have been waiting a decade. He's having all kinds of difficulty (including a massive computer crash) in uploading it to Steam and the Shadow Tor website. When it finally hits I'm going to stop everything and play it.

      I've never tried Skyrim but I have it and it's absolutely on my list. I have too many games . . . too many games . . . too many games. . . .
