What I'm Doing Here

Because I enjoy adventure games, I decided to start this blog and record my fun and frustrations as I play various adventures and some RPGs. I try not to spoil the games, so you can read and play, or play and read. I'm also reviewing some games, as I used to do in the past for Four Fat Chicks. I hope I'll spark your interest in playing, or at least entertain you with my musings. Please note that my musings are only speculations. You, or the game designer, may disagree with my opinions. At the end of each entry is a link to the next entry about that game, and you'll find a list of beginning links to the right, just under my cat's photo. Feel free to comment and play along! Enjoy!

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Queen's Wish 11: Procrastination

I actually have been playing in short bursts every day or so, but I'm just not compelled to do this game, unlike the earlier Spiderweb games. I think it's just kind of the same old, same old all over the map.

Yes, there is some variety in the fights, but mostly the fights are just the fights. If I can't win one I try again, and if that fails again I just zoom over to another part of the map and work there.

I think that interrupts the storyline. Each of the three map areas has a distinct storyline, but you have to jump away and back again to it.

I rather like the artwork, although that also becomes a bit of the same everywhere. 

So when I couldn't slay the dragon in the Vol, I managed to get to the places in the other two where I'm dealing with the powers that be. They have all given me quests—what a surprise. 

I am progressing, truly I am, but with other Spiderweb games I could hardly hold myself back from playing. This one is, oh, I really ought to get back to the game. 

I'm also not a fan of the finish-the-dungeon-in-one fight scenario that Jeff put into this game. He said on the Forum that he wanted to make it a real challenge for the player. Well, in his earlier games he didn't have a problem making challenging fights. 

Ok. Another spider fight.

In fact, that may be one of the things that contributing to my malaise. In Avernum, for example, we could play part of a dungeon, come back, and the monsters we killed would still be dead. So the story continued. We wanted to go back and finish that dungeon! I still haven't gone back to try to get that scorpion. I kinda dread it, instead of wanting to make progress.

Also, we don't get points for just random trash fights, only for completing quests. There's no loot to scavange; the treasure hunt is gone for the most part.

Well, no doubt when I make some real progress things will get interesting again. I hope.

Beginning to wonder.

Next entry.


  1. Yeah, this is not making me want to buy the game. At least with Avadon, it was well-balanced and you could tackle the area bit by bit, with trips back to Avadon, if necessary, to update your equipment, or to get that rune you left in your desk, that you now have a use for.

    I really enjoy the open world games, where you can pick up and interact with everything. Games that fit this mold are the Ultimas, the Fallouts (especially the first one), Arcanum (which was one-of-a kind, but which I also never finished), Elder Scrolls, and, for the most part, the Spiderweb games until this point. Elder Scrolls is not turn-based, which I had to get used to. I also played Balder's Gate (up to a point) and Neverwinter Nights, but did not enjoy either as much because they were less open, in my opinion. I didn't finish any of those. (Of course, finishing a game is not often my goal.)

    I would encourage you to go to the Spiderweb forums and leave this feedback, along with a link to this blog. A longtime player like you will certainly have a valuable opinion. Maybe he will listen to player demand and tweak the game.

    (And I should probably leave my feedback, as well.)

    1. Yeah. I give Jeff Vogel credit for trying something new. it just doesn't measure up (so far) to his earlier games. (He's had plenty of comments on the Forum.) I strongly suggest trying Spiderweb's Avernum series. That's his bestseller for a reason. Very good, often funny, script and a strong storyline. He re-did them three or four times to update them and add new content. Just compelling stuff, but very old-school graphics. There are six games in the series. He hasn't updated the last three because there's no need for that yet. They're better than Avadon, and I bet you would finish them!

      BTW, I actually replied to your original comment, but didn't hit the "reply" button. Scroll down to the comments on the previous post to see it. Sure would like to see your blog! Thanks again so much for your interest in mine!

    2. Hey again. I started playing Crystal Souls again, and after I got over my fit of frustration over the unreasonably high demands for Mage Clearance (I was the one who got the barriers removed, after all!) I started enjoying myself. The dungeons are highly entertaining. Right now, I just got the flying orb.

      Oh, and I reduced the difficulty to Casual. I'm just here for the story, yanno.

      I'm a bit perplexed by the Blessed Athame, however, because it has not been useful for a single hostile rune. It just uselessly sits there in my quest list, when I expected to be able to use it to get rid of quickfire runes.

    3. Crystal Souls is really great! You spend so much time under-underground. Fear not, you will need the Blessed Athame. It will automatically be used when you need it. Also, the Orb of Thralni is really useful. Now you can get to those formerly inaccessible islands and fly across chasms (as I recall, there's a chasm you must cross to continue the game). I always save first just in case I try to fly too far. BTW, the first game, Escape from the Pit, is, I think, the best of them all.

      Truth, I dunno if I'm going to finish Queen's Wish. I keep plucking away at it but somehow there just isn't enough variety to hold my interest. Oh well. It is a Spiderweb game so I guess I'll keep plodding on, but i might mix in some other games while I'm at it.

      So glad you're enjoying a greally good Spiderweb game!
