What I'm Doing Here

Because I enjoy adventure games, I decided to start this blog and record my fun and frustrations as I play various adventures and some RPGs. I try not to spoil the games, so you can read and play, or play and read. I'm also reviewing some games, as I used to do in the past for Four Fat Chicks. I hope I'll spark your interest in playing, or at least entertain you with my musings. Please note that my musings are only speculations. You, or the game designer, may disagree with my opinions. At the end of each entry is a link to the next entry about that game, and you'll find a list of beginning links to the right, just under my cat's photo. Feel free to comment and play along! Enjoy!

Monday, October 13, 2014

Dracula Origins 2: Dealings in the Night--and Day

After dealing with another complex puzzle--and I figured it allllmost out all on my own--I have been just kinda zooming through the game.

Interesting. The game starts out with some really complex puzzles. I didn't mention the four angel puzzles in the graveyard, but they were really quite good, once you realized that you need to click on the stone inscriptions for your clues. Each one is different, but there's quite a nice animation with sound effects for them. 

Once I made it into Dracula's London house and cracked the safe I had to manufacture a wooden key to get into his lair. You bet I needed the WT for some of that. It just isn't straightforward. You need to remember that you saw a vise in the basement and go back there. The game does at least choose four tools that you'll need to make the key. Trial and error does a lot, but the final step is not readily apparent.

After that we get into the lair, which is nicely red:

Fortunately Drac's not home

There is a nifty puzzle in the bedroom. We have to figure out, through trial and error, how to open Dracula's own personal journal. Just by messing around with the hot spots on it I was able to get most of it. But I was left with five colored jewels. I knew where they went but not which order they went in. Tried and tried and finally just looked at the WT. I did quite a lot on that puzzle and mostly earned it.

However, it contains about 20 pages of Dracula's musings over the centuries, and the last several pages are written in cursive that is really difficult to read. No doubt you don't need to read this stuff to play the game, but it does provide the backstory.

After that we have an actual encounter with Dracula himself! Yay! Drac has, however, already attacked Mina. Here's a very nice shot of Van Helsing at Mina's place, then a nice close up of our resident monster:

I really like the art work here

A nice cutscene

Now I've made it to Cairo, Egypt, and rather easily solved a few puzzles there--collecting inventory items in the Museum and finding a cure for sick camels. And I've made it to the cursed tomb where I'm supposed to find important information--if I can survive!

Careful! We've been warned repeatedly about this place!

So this seemed like a nice place to stop for the night. I've been enjoying the puzzles. I don't know why they suddenly got so easy. No doubt the game will rectify that quite soon. But it was nice to just make a lot of quick progress.

Until tomorrow!

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