What I'm Doing Here

Because I enjoy adventure games, I decided to start this blog and record my fun and frustrations as I play various adventures and some RPGs. I try not to spoil the games, so you can read and play, or play and read. I'm also reviewing some games, as I used to do in the past for Four Fat Chicks. I hope I'll spark your interest in playing, or at least entertain you with my musings. Please note that my musings are only speculations. You, or the game designer, may disagree with my opinions. At the end of each entry is a link to the next entry about that game, and you'll find a list of beginning links to the right, just under my cat's photo. Feel free to comment and play along! Enjoy!

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Queen's Wish 10: Getting Killed

Well I have really been moving along for the past couple of days! Haven't done much, but kept getting killed when I was just sure I could beat the deadly scorpion in the infernal pit.

So far, I haven't managed it.

But first, I ventured further into the Vol, and I found an odd place with odd humanoids who offered portals to other areas, or dreams. OK, I decided, why not. I bought a dream for 30 coins. Didn't seem to do much at the time. 

Now, I know that it's usually a bad idea to accept such offers, but I did it.

Shortly thereafter, when I got killed by the scorpion, I was sent back to the original fort and got a message from Mom (the eponymous Queen). She said she'd noticed that I'd found this odd area, and warned me not to accept the offered dreams.


Well, it'll turn up sometime in the future as a bad thing. I imagine that I will survive, however. I just made it more difficult for myself.

But the infernal pit is really quite nice:

The boss battle

I've gone through the first two encounters several times. The goal is just to use arrows and save my magical energy for healing and curing when I get to the boss battle. However, I used up most of my scrolls the other day (these are much more scarce in this game than in earlier games) and I just can't manage to stay alive long enough to beat the thing. Tried about six times.

Finally I thought OK, I'm just not quite strong enough to do this yet. However, I wondered if I might be strong enough now to go back to one of those areas where I was warned not to proceed. So I chose the Ukat area.

This time I didn't get the warning. Yeah, it was a fight, but not all that difficult. So I'm in the Ukat northern area now and have already rebuilt another fort. 

Plus, I learned a new thing about the game. I got into a difficult battle with some "Mire Boars" in a mine. Large things they were. I just shot arrows at them and took care of the first wave of them one at a time. Got killed on the first effort to get the boss, then on my second try I found a new way to approach the area that narrowed the passage they could get through.

My first effort. Did not go well.

Got lucky. The boss attacked me. I had enough health left to wail away at him and I got him. Got the message that I had cleared out the dungeon. However, three more of the minions continued the attack, and I was way down in health by that time. I tried to run with my main character after the my other three characters got killed, but it finally got me.

However, I had killed the boss and got the "mission complete" message, so to speak. I figured that was enough. Went back and righto, yes, I had done it! I reported the quest to the manager of the mine, went back down, and those three nasty mire boars were gone.

So. Just get the boss. After that you're done. I was also able to explore the whole area and found several boxes containing my loot.

So that was quite satisfying! 

Tomorrow I'm going to continue in the northern Ukat area. I think I'll go back the Ariel area after that. Once I get more done in those places I ought to be strong enough to go back to the infernal pit and get the scorpion boss.

Still have plenty more to do however, because I'm only making a small dent in the medals so far:

We get medals. 

I can never get all the medals in Spiderweb games, because at least one is for completing the game on the "torment" setting, and I'm never even gonna try that. I did do an Avadon game on "hard," which was hard.

Anyway, I'm back to enjoying the game despite not being able to treasure hunt.

Till tomorrow!

Next Entry.


  1. Hi, Monica. I discovered your blog last night, and happily read about your adventures for hours!

    You have played a lot of games that I never heard of! I am another old school gamer, and I test played Queens Wish without buying it, mostly because I am replaying Avernum and still have not finished Avernum Crystal Souls. Oh, and because it seemed to have vestiges of Avadon, which I did not enjoy, and which I stopped playing.

    I found your summary of Avadon Black Fortress to be similar to what I was feeling when playing Queen's Wish. It seemed to have no clear call to be a hero, unless you rebel against Mom. I was somewhat encouraged when Mom decided to support my support of the slaves.

    Some of my old favorites that you may want to try: Ultima 4, 5 and 6, all of which are available on GOG. I did a review of 5 here: https://tianevitt.com/2012/08/07/game-review-ultima-v-warriors-of-destiny/. I did not enjoy 7, even though many people say it is the best in the series. I still like Ultima 5 the best. Avernum EFTP was very similar with its secret resistance and ruthless overlords. Ultima 4 has a great story, but feels a bit too old-school. Ultima 6 is also excellent, but all the hero worship about your character being the Avatar gets a bit over the top.

    Another excellent game from the past is Star Control 2, now available as The Ur-Quan Masters, or on GOG. I recommend the Ur-Quan Masters version, because it was a ground-up rewrite. Google it for the Sourseforge link.

    However, you seem to prefer turn-based combat, like I do, so it may not be your cup of tea. The first time I played it, back in the 80s or 90s, my husband and I played it together. He drove, and I kept notes and helped make the decisions. It was great, and we played it to completion.

    I love your blog and I may give it a shout-out on my own, sadly neglected blog, if you don't mind. I do still have a few regulars. Blogging is a dying art.

    1. BTW, where is your blog? Would love to visit! Thanks again!

    2. Oops. Looks like when I replied to you I did not hit the "reply" button. See long answer just below!

  2. Hi Tia! So glad you're enjoying my blog! I really write it just for fun. Yeah, I can't do combat outside of turn-based. Just don't have the dexterity in the old thumbs for that. Also, I find turn-based stuff to be rather like a puzzle to solve.

    Mostly I enjoy point & click adventures—very very old school stuff, although plenty of new stuff comes out all the time.

    I'm pretty sure I have all those Ultima games. Anything like that on GOG that comes on sale I will often buy, especially if the games are under $5. I'm really not enjoying this game as much as the older Spiderweb games, as you'll see in my most recent entry. I will finish it though! I will I will!

    Probably will interrupt it with a new game that's coming out sometime in the text two weeks from Jonathan Boakes, though: Dark Fall Ghost Vigil. Jonathan has the game finished, but is taking time off to get married. I think Jeff Vogel has never surpassed his Avernum games—all of them are just compelling—but I do think he's sick of them by this time.

    Anyway, so glad you found my blog! Visit again and Game On!

  3. If you need a break from Queens Wish, try Ultima 5. It will take you a very long time to play it. I never did play it to completion. Be prepared to take notes! I recommend 1 page per city, village or major location.

    Now, I am going to read your 11th QA installment.
