What I'm Doing Here

Because I enjoy adventure games, I decided to start this blog and record my fun and frustrations as I play various adventures and some RPGs. I try not to spoil the games, so you can read and play, or play and read. I'm also reviewing some games, as I used to do in the past for Four Fat Chicks. I hope I'll spark your interest in playing, or at least entertain you with my musings. Please note that my musings are only speculations. You, or the game designer, may disagree with my opinions. At the end of each entry is a link to the next entry about that game, and you'll find a list of beginning links to the right, just under my cat's photo. Feel free to comment and play along! Enjoy!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Lost Crown (4): Getting the Rough Part Behind Me

Well I knew what was coming on Day Three, and I have put it behind me. I finally found the trigger to the rest of the day by just going everywhere I could possibly go. I'd done most of that earlier, but hadn't taken it all the way.

But this is the day not only of the awful scene, but also of the treasure hunt and Emily Travers. Nanny Noah's game I found to be both fun and pretty easy on my first playthrough, I remember. She sends you all around Saxton and a little bit beyond, setting up a few of the later events.

Also, this is the day we have another confrontation with Prof. Hardacre, and find the Saxton Bell out in the shore maze (again, thankfully, not much of a maze).

The Old Shore Bell

But of course, most of Day Three deals with the cat kidnapping, and with, it turns out, Frederick Ager's ghost. We will banish him just as we banished Thomas Ager back at Northfield. This really is the game's best "action sequence," if you want to call it that. In relation to shooters, of course, this isn't action. For an adventure game however, it is. Nigel gets caught in a confined space, and Lucy has to guide him to save him from the ghostly dark, which is chasing him (and possibly, her as well?). Quite frightening.

After that, however, we have that disturbing scene of finding the "Nightmare Room." Good description. Animal lovers will hate this scene. I disagree with Jonathan's choice here, and I just wanted to get it behind me.

Even so, however, I once again saw something I'd never seen before. At one point Nigel is attacked by flies, and in the background we see the face of one of the Ager brothers. I never spotted that before.

However, for the first time I ran into a nasty glitch in the game that I'd never before encountered. During the height of the fly attack, Nigel says, "I have to think fast" and I decided to grab the walkie-talkie. That sent me back to the original scene with the walkie-talkie, yet with the sound of flies buzzing in the background. I had to play through until I could reload. Fortunately I'd saved just before the action sequence, so I didn't have to replay the whole day. The next time through it all worked fine. Apparently you have to wait for Lucy to call you on the walkie-talkie. That is a really bad glitch, in a really bad spot.

Anyway, it's done.

On a lighter note, I had fun with the Lighthouse Cafe today, and just kept going in to see what leftover food I'd wind up with in my inventory. There are about six items to get, and they're obviously random. If you keep at it, though, eventually you'll get one of the cupcakes from Barrow Hill:

The only way to get rid of the leftover food in your inventory is to feed it to the pig. You also get a close-up of the food for a second or two. So, above is the evidence!

I enjoy the references to Barrow Hill in this. Mostly they come in the form of posters on the wall of the Celtic Corner and the Museum. I seem to recall that there's another one on the chalkboard of the Lighthouse Cafe on the last day. I'll have to watch for it.

Lighthouse Cafe (a really nice screen)

Speaking of Barrow Hill, clearly I'll have to replay that too! Can't get any screenshots of it though, as I'll have to play it on Dad's machine. It would load into my virtual XP program on my old Mac, but this new Mac won't accept the second disk. But I've got the game on my old Thinkpad, on Dad's Vista HP 'puter, and could even put it into the virtual PC on my old blueberry iMac.

But before that, now that I have the really nasty stuff in this game behind me, I'll zoom through the rest.

Lots more fun to come!

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