What I'm Doing Here

Because I enjoy adventure games, I decided to start this blog and record my fun and frustrations as I play various adventures and some RPGs. I try not to spoil the games, so you can read and play, or play and read. I'm also reviewing some games, as I used to do in the past for Four Fat Chicks. I hope I'll spark your interest in playing, or at least entertain you with my musings. Please note that my musings are only speculations. You, or the game designer, may disagree with my opinions. At the end of each entry is a link to the next entry about that game, and you'll find a list of beginning links to the right, just under my cat's photo. Feel free to comment and play along! Enjoy!

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Baldur's Gate 14: Personnel Change

So there I was wondering just how much longer it was going to take Imoen to get her thief skills back, when I realized that it was going to take at least half of the rest of the game.

Am I sorry I dual-classed her? Well, it really is nice having two mages. Really nice. But there I was wandering through the lovely Cloakwood Forest when I met Coran, who just happens to be a good-aligned thief/fighter and reputed to be the best archer in the game. On the spur of the moment, I let Kivan go and took Coran on. So far he's more fun than Kivan, I must say, but he has a fairly weak constitution, so it doesn't do to let him take too many hits.

The problem with Coran is that he doesn't have much trap-detecting ability, which is why I need a darned thief! I just managed to level him up as a thief and got his detecting abilities to 49%. The FAQ wouldn't even let me go into the Naskell Mines until I got Imoen up to 100% trap detection. It's going to be a long time before Coran hits level seven as a thief. So I'll have to work with the 49% ability.

Well, I'm going to head on to the Firewine Bridge anyway, and I'll just have to quicksave a lot. Coren does have 100% lock picking abilities, though, so I guess I don't need the Knock spell any more. Can't get rid of Neera just yet, though, because she's the one with the dispel magic, and hold person, and another nifty magic displacement spell. Until I get Imoen equipped with those things I'm going to hang on to Neera.

At first I couldn't get Coran to pick any locks. Finally I experimented and discovered that he can't wear Ankheg armor and have his thief abilities. He can wear it and fight in it, but not pick locks in it. Took that off him and gave him Imoen's thief armor, which she can't use right now anyway, and solved that problem. I'm keeping the armor though. Never know when I might want to get Kivan back, or somebody else to replace Neera. Really Neera has kinda used up her entertainment value by now. I'm going to give Imoen her wizard's ring. Imoen is now a level five mage. She has to get to level seven before she gets her thief stuff back, though. That's a looonnng way off.

I discovered wyverns. These are dragons that come in adult and baby sizes. Coran is hunting them. The heads sell for a lot, the first one goes for 2,000 coins at the temple outside Beregorst. Nice.

I do not know what happened to my reputation. I looked at old savegames, and it seems I went back down to average long before I joined the bandits. I'm beginning to suspect that it just reset itself because I took so long doing things. Alas, I haven't found too many rep-gaining quests recently. It basically sucks, because having a 20 rep saved me piles of money. Imoen's Good Mage robe is going to be nearly 10,000 coins more now. However, I'm making money hand over fist and I have most of what I want, including that poisoned dagger for Jahiera, so maybe I ought to just go buy the thing.

I came to a conclusion today, however. Baldur's Gate is reputed to be the best game ever made, and has been so reputed for the last 15 years.

It is. With all my complaints, it is.

The writing is fabulous, even better than Jeff Vogel's, much as I adore his stuff. The imagination goes on forever in this game. The music is fabulous. The gameplay is fun, with all kinds of new encounters everywhere you go. There is a plot, of sorts. 

And it's really, really long.

All in all, I'm glad I waited this long to play it. See, I'm having the fun NOW, and not being nostalgic. Plus, the replayability is immense. Many people have played this gave over and over, with all different parties, good and evil. The personalities intermingle differently with each party. 

Really, it is the best game ever made. 


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