What I'm Doing Here

Because I enjoy adventure games, I decided to start this blog and record my fun and frustrations as I play various adventures and some RPGs. I try not to spoil the games, so you can read and play, or play and read. I'm also reviewing some games, as I used to do in the past for Four Fat Chicks. I hope I'll spark your interest in playing, or at least entertain you with my musings. Please note that my musings are only speculations. You, or the game designer, may disagree with my opinions. At the end of each entry is a link to the next entry about that game, and you'll find a list of beginning links to the right, just under my cat's photo. Feel free to comment and play along! Enjoy!

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Avernum Crystal Souls 10: Back to Avernum!

OK! I trekked out to the western Vahnatai lands and found, as I expected, it's going to be too tough a fight for me. So, I went back to the Council and presented my evidence. They said it's time to go back to Avernum and I can come back to Vahnatai lands later. Fine. So I did.

The portal took me to the Tower of Magi, and I have located the return portal. Also bought some more spells and finally am running out of money. The Spiderweb Forum says there is plenty of cash in this game (whew! people must have complained) so no doubt I'll rack it up again. I made a mistake and gave a point of mage skills to Cordelia, thinking she could use the bolt of fire spell. Then, of course, I realized she's wearing too much armor to do that. So I wasted a point. I could give her a swordmage trait, but I don't want to waste a trait on that. She'll have divine fire eventually, and that's a really powerful fire spell.

Of course, Jeff made the Tower of Magi difficult to traverse, but I finally found my way. He's blocked the northern passage, so you have to go around. Still, I found everything. (Part of the gameplay! It's a puzzle!)

Mostly I just bought some spells and talked to everybody. I have some nice new missions, some big and some small. Next I'm going to tackle the snake cult, a bunch of slitherzikai who I don't think are going to be too tough. I just slaughtered a random bunch of them. That cave ought to yield some decent loot. After that I'll trek down to the Castle and get Magi clearance so X can teach me more spells. No doubt there will be fun adventures along the way!

Till then!

Update:  Cleared out the snake cult slith cave. Not terribly difficult with my newfound spells. Finally am using my spells, however, and realized that I'll need energy elixir rather than just the potion. The potion doesn't even restore half of the spell points. And you can't always just run out to a friendly town, restore your strength and go back to the fight. In this area you wind up stuck downstairs until you fight your way out--and this fight included the one against the boss. Still, it wasn't terribly difficult. Fun!

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