What I'm Doing Here

Because I enjoy adventure games, I decided to start this blog and record my fun and frustrations as I play various adventures and some RPGs. I try not to spoil the games, so you can read and play, or play and read. I'm also reviewing some games, as I used to do in the past for Four Fat Chicks. I hope I'll spark your interest in playing, or at least entertain you with my musings. Please note that my musings are only speculations. You, or the game designer, may disagree with my opinions. At the end of each entry is a link to the next entry about that game, and you'll find a list of beginning links to the right, just under my cat's photo. Feel free to comment and play along! Enjoy!

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Machinarium 3: Chasing the Red Dot

Well really it's the green dots we're after, but somehow—and I really don't know how—I did it!

There wasn't much to do except go back downstairs. I found the clue to the timer. Set it properly and the final cell door opens. In that we find a little mini-game:

Move all the green dots to the center green triangle

This thing is not as easy as it might look. Yeah, you ought to be able to figure it out because it does work logically, but I couldn't get it. I looked it up online and learned that it's randomized. Some configurations are easy and some tough. To reset it you jump out of the room and jump back in again.

I tried for a couple of days (in short bursts) to get this. Finally I just mindlessly started fiddling with it and voila! It snapped into place and I had it! 

Of course, you get an inventory item when you solve it. 

That took me outside again, and I haven't yet really figured out what I'm doing there. I did meet a lady:

Who are you, Madame?

I left it there. We'll see if there's any kind of relationship to develop. I am confused about one thing: earlier I had the option to climb up onto those two boxes and couldn't. In their original location there is a ladder, so if I could manage to do it, obviously, I'd climb the ladder. This time, however, I pushed them to this area. Dunno why or what might happen next.

But until I find out, I'm just glad to get by that puzzle!

Next Entry.

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