What I'm Doing Here

Because I enjoy adventure games, I decided to start this blog and record my fun and frustrations as I play various adventures and some RPGs. I try not to spoil the games, so you can read and play, or play and read. I'm also reviewing some games, as I used to do in the past for Four Fat Chicks. I hope I'll spark your interest in playing, or at least entertain you with my musings. Please note that my musings are only speculations. You, or the game designer, may disagree with my opinions. At the end of each entry is a link to the next entry about that game, and you'll find a list of beginning links to the right, just under my cat's photo. Feel free to comment and play along! Enjoy!

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Barrow Hill The Dark Path 6: Hiatus, with Plans

Well things got a bit busy here and I haven't been able to get to the game for a few days, but I have been pondering upon it. I found a YouTube playthrough that had been started, and watched the first few episodes because it was only going over stuff I had already done, however, I did get a few tidbits from it.

I missed using the hand wipes. Gotta go back and do those places. Also, and this is kind of important: that diagram on the garage wall that I couldn't read apparently now is legible after Matt made some updates to the game, and it depicts how to wire a plug!! 

Update: No, I don't think Matt changed the diagram. I did, however, get new glasses!

So clearly, I have to go back there!

Also, I know that I'm going to have to make wooden effigies for all three kids, and I kinda suspect I know how I might be able to do that. Must try that new idea too. I'm pretty sure I figured out which effigy goes with which kid (unless I'm wrong).

Plus, I got an idea from the YouTube videos that ought to work on the wishing stones. I have three personal items from all three kids. 

And, I've got a sneaky hunch that I might be able to figure out that sound puzzle at the farm site. I'd really like to get beyond those trees that are blocking the path. It's pretty obvious that we're going to get through there eventually. I think it's tied into those animals I found in the cairn. I'm pretty sure I found the order they ought to go in.

And one thing I learned from the videos that I have to do first thing: I missed reading a whole book in the garage!! How did I do that?? So, task one when I get the game open again is to toddle on back to the garage and read that book! Clues! Clues!

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