What I'm Doing Here

Because I enjoy adventure games, I decided to start this blog and record my fun and frustrations as I play various adventures and some RPGs. I try not to spoil the games, so you can read and play, or play and read. I'm also reviewing some games, as I used to do in the past for Four Fat Chicks. I hope I'll spark your interest in playing, or at least entertain you with my musings. Please note that my musings are only speculations. You, or the game designer, may disagree with my opinions. At the end of each entry is a link to the next entry about that game, and you'll find a list of beginning links to the right, just under my cat's photo. Feel free to comment and play along! Enjoy!

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Baldur's Gate 2: I Will Make Time!

Yes yes, I have no time for this game. Foo. I will make time. Except when I have a deadline looming so close I can barely sleep, I watch Netflix in the evenings. So, I'll replace Netflix with my game (until that deadline starts to loom: I have two more book deliveries coming next week).

When I set up my character ("Emerald," of course, in honor of my good kitty) I chose "scimitar/ninjitode/wasta . . " as my primary weapon(s) of choice. I thought scimitars were kinda cool, and it gave me the chance to dual wield. Once I was into the game I realized that might have been a bad idea. I realized it when my scimitar broke due to the iron crisis on the Sword Coast. Nobody else seems to sell scimitars. I have got one each of the other weapons, but there don't appear to be many replacements out there for those either, and they could break too. Plus, in these fantasy games you always eventually find magically enhanced longswords, but I've never seen a magically enhanced scimitar. 

However, reading a FAQ about the game tells me that there is an enhanced scimitar somewhere in the game, and that in Baldur's Gate II there's a major scimitar to be had.

I can't do anything about it anyway. Fortunately, I put an equal amount of points into longbows, and that's doing better for me anyway. I really prefer ranged attacks. I finally found a buncha throwing axes for Kagian, so now everybody's got ranged weapons.

When I decided to go with the new character, Neera the Wild Mage, I was taking a chance. She is a good-aligned character, and except for Kagian I'm trying to play a good party (I'll try evil later). Gad, but Neera is annoying. She's apparently got an emotional age of about twelve, and constantly rushes into the thick of the battle and gets nearly killed, forcing me to use my rather limited healing spells on her. Finally I got her a slingshot, and she's staying back. I found her a wizard's ring, so she now gets two more spells per day. Plus, she comes with the Sleep spell, which is majorly nifty. Also, she comes with Identify, which is saving me lots of money, but I'm not sure it's worth the accumulated rest time. I don't know how time works in this game, whether it's unlimited or whether you need to finish within x-amount of days. We'll see.

So I finally got to Naskell and went everywhere there, although my FAQ says that there's some hidden plate mail there. I'll be off to get that as soon as I load up tonight. I also went to the carnival, which was fun, but I passed up getting Branwen, the war druid. Lots of people like her in place of Jaheira, but I've decided to stick with Jaheira, who's supposed to be awesome in the sequel (you can import your characters, or some of them, anyway).

I have finally leveled up, as has Imoen. That just happened, so I have to see what new abilities I have. That makes about half my party level two.

I sure wish I could turn off the character comments every time I click, but apparently I can't. Glad I chose the least annoying voice for my character, but it's beginning to grate. I turned off the "always comment" selection in the Options menu, but that didn't stop Emerald from saying things like "Don't worry about me" or "You want it, you've got it" every freaking time I single her out (or Imoen saying, "I've done had enough of this" Sheesh).

I've had some fights, but really nothing terribly tough yet, which is why I haven't leveled up faster. I must say that the Sleep spell is the best ever, and Neera appears to be an excellent mage, despite her mouth.

So tonight I'll be getting more into the wilderness, after I get that plate mail and fetch a few things from Beregost.

Really, this game already is turning out to be super fun. It could be as addicting as my Avernum games, and to me, that's really something!

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